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Contact Us!

If you're interested in babies from us, please reach out! You can reach us through the contact form below, or via our Facebook page and Instagram.

Check out our Facebook and Instagram accounts!

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Wait List Requests

If you'd like to get on our wait list for upcoming babies, please reach out to us through our Instagram, Facebook page, or the form to the right.

When using the request form, in the "Message" box, please answer the following questions:

1) If you're interested in standard or dwarf rats
2) How many rats you would like (I only adopt out in pairs of 2 or more)
3) If you have a sex preference
4) If you have a certain color or coat type preference (I cannot guarantee any particular looks, but I can keep such requests in mind)
5) If you've had rats before
6) If you have rats currently

Waitlist Request 

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