Mini Mischief Rattery
Current Litters
Rangi x Bato (round 2)
This dumbo litter is turning out lovely so far with shades of Russian blue, dove, and Pearl. I'm hoping their temperament will be the same as Rangi's first litter. So far they seem sweet and curious. The wait list for this litter is currently full.
Nibbles x Appa
This litter is an experimental outcross between my Harley line and Appa to see if he can add his sweet mellow temperament to the line. I'm very excited to see how they turn out! They're already looking beautiful as their harley and silvermane coats come in.
Planned Litters
I plan to have another round of litters this Fall and have already begun some pairngs.
All the specifics are not yet planned, however, since I like to take time between breedings to observe my current mischief before making pairings.
I'm expecting to produce primarily Russian blue and Pearl varieties in standard, silvermane, and hairless coats. I also hope to have some Harleys available and might finally be releasing some dwarf babies as well!
So stay tuned for updates on future litters!
Past Litters
Poki x Bato
This litter produced mostly hairless babies and they came out so sweet and social! They're all doing great in their new homes
Adina x Bato
This lovely litter produced primarily Russian blue and dove babies with a mixture of standard and silvermane coats. It was an experimental litter so I didn't know what to expect, but most babies turned out mild-mannered and curious. I will be test breeding a couple to see how they do as breeders.
Hael x Conrad
This "husky" litter turned out stunning with lots of roan shades and silvermane. They're the first Russian blue roans that I've produced and I'm so excited about them! One of my main breeding goals is to establish a line of blue and black "husky" varieties and these babies are a great step towards that goal. This line is not currently available for adoption as I'm still working through some hormonal issues in the males.