Mini Mischief Rattery

Diet & Treats
Main Diet
Rodent Blocks & Scatter Feeding
Last but not least, diet will have a large effect on the health of your rat. I use both Mazuri Rat & Mouse blocks and Oxbow as my rats' main diet with a handful of Kaytee Supreme Fortified Daily Diet scattered in their substrate for foraging. I chose that seed mix because it is cost effective, but there are many other great choices and it only makes up a small portion of their diet. Blocks are preferred as the main diet because they ensure the rats are getting all the nutrtients they need, while the scatter diet provides variety and enrichment. They love to dig in their substrate to find morsels! Another great option for those who have the time is the Shunamite Diet, a homemade rat food that is as healthy as it gets!
Fresh Food
I also provide fresh fruits, veggies, and greens about twice a week. Fresh produce provides a healthy source of nutrients and vitamins. My favorites to give them are broccoli, squash, carrot, blueberry, and dandelion greens, with the occasional cucumber, apple, and banana. Small amounts of table scraps can be given as well, such as unseasoned meat, noodles, rice, and cereals.
Pet stores sell all kinds of treats marketed for rats, and they can be great, but expensive! My preferred treats are cheerios, dried banana chips, and gerber baby puffs from the grocery store. They are cost effective and rats love them! Avocado and sugar cereals are also a favorite, but should be fed in moderation due to the fatty content. ​
